Pharma companies rushed to get on physician and hospital screens this year with a big jump in professional ads tracked. During the pandemic, pharma advertising to consumers has surged with messages backing science, offering financial help with perscriptions and stressing the need to continue doctor visits and vaccinations. But behind-the-scenes spending—that is, advertising and promotions […]
COVID-19 has sparked a flurry of research and discoveries that are being made at an unprecedented rate – but patient engagement cannot and should not be left behind in the rush. SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated both the strengths and the weaknesses of the life sciences ecosystem, and it is now up to the sector to learn […]
How pharma’s HCP engagement has changed over COVID-19, and what the channel mix might look like after the pandemic. The pandemic has triggered a change in how pharmaceutical companies are engaging with healthcare professionals. With in-person visits drastically reduced, pharma has been challenged to find ways to continue engaging effectively with HCPs via remote channels. […]
Precision medicine is emerging as a key approach for disease treatment and prevention, which makes it even more critical to get the right medicine to the right patients. The Pharma industry is often challenged with having accurate digital data on the doctors and the organizations they work for. Times are changing, though, and with the […]
The coronavirus has forced the industry to change gear, change how it communicates and, above all, change its perspective. Despite the earth-shattering turbulence of COVID-19, however, positive lessons and practices will emerge. Modern healthcare is experiencing an era-defining chapter, as international systems adjust to the very specific needs of their host countries, while also using […]
Over the past few years, our digital world has moulded a new kind of engaged and empowered individuals who want to be actively involved in their health journey. With access to different treatment paths and complementary approaches based on location, physician, insurance, funds and more, therapies are becoming more personalized than ever before. The market […]
As pharmaceutical marketers prepare their brands for the future, there are a number of important ways they can learn from digital-native brands. Companies like prescription glasses firm Warby Parker, shoe brand Rothy’s and teledentistry SmileDirectClub have grown up in today’s digital-native environment and can offer some key pointers for pharma. Unlike the consumer goods conglomerates […]
Delayed clinical trial data delivery is a growing problem for pharmaceutical companies and one that can have catastrophic consequences for the development of their promising pipeline candidates. When data delivery lags behind the pace of a clinical study it means that data entry will be delayed – especially if the data arrives in multiple formats […]