As businesses reopen, it’s crucial we wear masks.

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In a perspective piece published in the journal Science, UC San Diego experts describe in detail the growing evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, can be spread by asymptomatic people via aerosols – a reality that deeply…

Healthinote app aims to cut through COVID-19 misinformation

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The impact of big pharma on Covid-19

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As more trials take place and new emerging therapies are publicised, drug companies will now be under pressure to show their own compassion regarding drug development royalties. Moreover, in a time of economic regression and global health fears due to…

What’s happening in the labs of pharma companies worldwide.

Medical Communications Medcomms Agency

Some companies are repurposing or developing treatment, others are focusing on vaccines, tests or technology to deliver drugs in the body. Existing drugs being repurposed Gilead Sciences Inc’s (NASDAQ:GILD) antiviral medication remdesivir is undergoing the final phase of clinical trials,…

A smart future

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Like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) has already begun to reshape the way pharma and biotech companies operate at almost every level. The integration of AI-based data analysis into the entire spectrum of these companies’ activities has led to…

The Rise and Rise of Patient Centricity

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The rapid growth of patient centricity over the last few years and considers what pharma’s next steps should be to enhance patient engagement. I still consider myself a relative newbie to the pharma industry, having only started seriously covering the…